
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550

My parent’s opinions

My parents think that teenagers in the society are dangerous. They think teenagers shouldn’t have boyfriend or girlfriend because teenagers should concentrate about education. When teenagers have boyfriend or girlfriend they would concentrate about their sweetheart and wouldn’t care about their education. They think it is not safe for the girl because girl always believed what boy says and sometime boy let girl in to bad way.

My parents think that in our society is bad. The economy in Thailand is very bad and it make people who don’t have enough money became the thief. Some thief doesn’t care how they steal money or something that valuable. They can kill people when they want some money. Now in Thai society have a lot of drug. When you go to the disco or go to have some food outside somebody who wants to hurt you or do something bad to you can put the drugs to you and make you want them. Finally you would find money to buy them.

I think that some of their thinking is right but something in their opinion is wrong. I disagree with their thinking about teenagers shouldn’t have girlfriend or boyfriend. If teenager know what they are doing is right or wrong, I think they could have girlfriend or boyfriend. I think society is very dengerous. We don’t know that what is going to happen to us so we have to take care ourselves all the time.

วันจันทร์ที่ 5 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550

How do you feel when you do something special or important

Almost every day I have the special and important things come into my life. I think the special things make me happy and remember that event. The feeling of being special can’t be explained in words but we can feel it in our hearts. I have many special things happen in my life such as I went to travel in Chieng-Mai with my family. I was very happy. I had a good time and good memories. The special things make me excited, happy and want to stop the time because I don’t want to be away from the event that makes my heart alive.

There are of important thing for me and each kind has different feelings. The first kind is the feeling of being apprehensive. There are many important things such as do the test or do presentation. When I have to do that thing, I am always nervous that I can’t do it very well or afraid of what other people are thinking of me. The second kind is the feeling of being excited. This important thing such as when my niece was born or when the birth day of someone in my family came. When these events come I feel excited and happy. I wait for these events.

In our life it doesn’t have the thing that always is good or bad so when we do something we shouldn't care that the final things will be good or bad just do your best.