
วันจันทร์ที่ 15 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550


I think some culture in Thailand is good. In the past Thai people were very serious about it. Now some people in Thailand don’t care about it. I think Thai culture makes people to be gentle. The adult people in Thailand think that they have culture, such as when you meet an adult that you know who they are, you must pay respect to them and they won’t think that you are a bad person. I agree with Thai culture, I think it will make us to be courteous.

I think other cultures have good and bad culture too. The culture in America is different and some things are good culture. In America the workers always have new ideas about their work. I think it makes their country develop. The workers in America are competitive and they try to work harder than other people. I think it makes them be unhappy with their work and if I go to work in America I will be unhappy and not want to go to work.

In Britain, they also have bad and good culture. The workers in British are competitive to each other but they still listen to other people. I think it is good that they still listen to other people. The workers have to work as a team if they didn’t listen to each other their work could have a big mistake.

In each country, some culture is different and some is the same and also have some things good and some things bad too. I think it is the eternal thing that humans and the world has. I think if we do something wrong it doesn’t mean we are bad. I mean, if we are competitive with other people it doesn’t mean we are bad person because sometimes we had to do it.

วันพุธที่ 10 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550

What society expect me to do

Thai society expects young people to do what the adults want, such as we have to study in the school , if we don’t have the bachelor’s degree we couldn’t get good job with high money and that becomes the law of the adult mind.

Now young people have to study hard. Some people don’t want to study but if they don’t come to school and study other people don’t like that and think that they are bad people and sometimes they weren’t bad people.

My parents expect me to study hard and get a bachelor’s degree. I know that I have to study hard and I have to go the, Entrance exam so this thing makes me do what my parents tell me to do. Sometimes I think I do not want to read schoolbooks. I want to watch TV and chat with my friends.

In the school, all of my teachers want me to study hard, understand what they are teaching about and not sleep in the class room. When I don’t understand something they would help me until I understand them. I think they want me to be a great person and clever. I am never mad at them when they tell me or teach me to do something.

I still have to do all these things. When I was child I had questions in my mind that, why do I have to do the things I don’t want to do and it doesn’t matter if I don’t do that. Now I grow up to be a teenager and have more experience I understand what I have to do.